Helix piercing: the must-knows

Fancy a new piercing but not sure what to choose yet? The helix ear piercing seems ideal to start with!
Everything you need to know about a helix piercing you will read on this blog.

Huh, what is a helix piercing?

helix piercings

One of the most common piercings is the famous helix piercing, or cartilage piercing! This is a piercing in the curl of your ear (in the squatone) and can also have different heights. Because of these heights, there are now also many different helix types. It provides some variation but also confusion. You can read more about this below!

How should you care for a helix piercing?

Patience is key is what they say. In other words, patience is the key to the golden treasure chest called: a healthy, healed helix piercing. Below are some guidelines i.e. what not to do:

  • Don't tinker. I know, it is a cool piercing but if you are fiddling with it then it does more harm than good.
  • Don't sleep on it. This puts more pressure on the piercing. This same pressure may cause the piercing to grow crooked or create irritation bubbles. (yikes!)
  • Do NOT clean with alcohol: The body will begin to expel the piercing during the healing process, something you definitely don't want....
  • Avoid swimming during the healing process (4 to 6 weeks). Chlorine (even in 't local pool) is bad for your piercing.

What should you well do?

  • Rinse the crust daily off with running water.
  • Use a sterile saline solution Like Neilmed Piercing Aftercare . Spray this twice a day Around the helix piercing jewel on your ear.


Help!!! My helix piercing is swollen!

Don't worry, your cry for help has definitely and already been heard. Is your ear swollen and does it hurt when touched? This is completely normal! Your body is trying to heal itself. The ear may be sensitive and somewhat swollen, but pain when touched is not normal. Is there a ball/bubble next to or around your helix piercing or does it hurt unbearably?
Then check out soon this post To know if your helix piercing is inflamed or it is a harmless irritation bubble.

To account for swelling, it is recommended that you start with a longer rod as a jewel. After 6-8 weeks, you should change your helix piercing for a down-size, a shorter rod by one of our talented piercers. Why? Because the swelling will be virtually gone and such a larger rod will no longer be needed.

Want to buy a helix piercing or have it set?

We have a wide range of quality jewelry. Soon you will be able to buy helix piercings online that are nickel-free are! This means you're guaranteed not to get an allergic reaction and guess what, it's also safe for sensitive ears!

Any questions or want to get one of those cute helix piercings or any other ear piercing now?
Our piercers are happy to guide you through the entire process. Feel free to book an appointment or stop by in one of our shops. See you soon!

Our offerings for the helix piercing:

1 thought on “Helix piercing: de must-knows”

  1. Pingback: HELIX PIERCINGS: 10 TIPS & TRICKS TO HELP YOU OUT - Mywisecart

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